DataHub Use-Cases

Use-cases for EGI DataHub

An overview of the use cases and possible deployment scenarios of the EGI DataHub.

Transparent data access


  • Clients use one ore more providers to access data
  • Data can be accessed over multiple protocols

Federation of service providers


  • Heterogeneous backend storage
  • Common interfaces (Web, REST, POSIX, CDMI)
  • Common AAI with Check-in
  • Discovery of Datasets in the EGI DataHub

Smart caching


  • Site A hosts data and computing resources
  • Site B hosts only data
  • Site X uses data from A and B without pre-staging
  • Pre-staging can also be done using APIs
  • Data is accessed locally “à la” POSIX with FUSE

Publication of datasets


  • PID minting
  • Publishing, discovery and access to datasets

Integrating DataHub and EGI Notebooks
