Resource Centre Integration Check List

Steps required to integrate a Resource Centre

This page provides an overview of what are the required steps to get a new Resource Centre integrated into the EGI Federation.

  1. Be aware of the security policies.

  2. Acceptance of the RC OLA (agreed with the NGI the RC belongs to).

  3. Registration on the Configuration Database:

    • an entry for the resource centre was created
    • Required mailing lists are registered
    • people operating the services are registered
    • service endpoints are registered associated to the proper service types (e.g. for cloud providers), and the flags monitored and production are set to yes
  4. Support through the EGI Helpdesk service:

    • The RC name is listed in the GGUS fields “Affected site” and “Notify Site”
    • The site administrators can modify and reply to the tickets assigned to their RC
      • The Supporter role can be requested either directly on GGUS by using the own X509 personal certificate or by enrolling to the ggus-supporters group in Check-in.
  5. Security:

    • HTC: pakiti is installed and the outcome of the EGI CSIRT assessment is positive;
    • Cloud: the EGI security Survey was sent to the EGI CSIRT and the outcome was positive.
  6. AAI:

  7. Monitoring: the registered endpoints are automaticall detected by ARGO and monitored according to their type registered in the Configuration Database.

  8. Accounting: The accounting records are properly sent to the accounting repository and displayed by the Accounting Portal.

  9. Information discovery:

  10. Middleware: latest version of technology products are installed using the UMD and CMD releases.

  11. Software distribution:

    • HTC (Optional): CVMFS
    • Cloud: VM image synchronisation is configured with a HEPIX VM image list compliant software (e.g. cloudkeeper)