
Overview of the information and guidelines for ROD


This page was created to help you, as a ROD, start with ROD duties.

The section How to become a ROD member describes steps which needs to be taken before starting working as a ROD. The section ROD duties documents all the tasks that make up the ROD duties. Section Important to read introduces all documents which concern this activity and which are supposed to be read at the beginning. Section Operational Tools describes all tools used by ROD teams. Finally, Contact section is going to inform you how to contact others.

How to become a ROD member

There are few actions which needs to be taken before you start your work:

  1. Get a valid grid certificate delivered by Certificate Authorities (CA) - this step is important because most of the tools used during the shift require certificate. Find EUGRIDPMA members.
  2. Register to Dteam VO. Dteam membership will give you possibility to test sites and debug problems.
  3. Register into GGUS tool as support staff. GGUS is a ticketing system which is used for operational purpose within EGI. With support staff role you will be able to reply on and update recorded tickets.
  4. Register in Configuration Database, a central database which contains all the information about EGI Infrastructure (sites and people). To be ROD members you have to be registered in this database. It will allows you to perform step 5.
  5. Request the Regional Staff role in the Configuration Database. Thanks to this role you will be recognized automatically in operations tools as ROD member. It gives you a several privileges in the database as well as in other tools.
  6. Contact your NGI manager - you need to contact your NGI manager to be approved as Regional Staff and to be added to ROD mailing list in your NGI (this mailing list is a contact point to the whole ROD team within the NGI).
  7. Get familiar with the ROD documentation, a single place where you will find all information relevant to your work as a ROD.

To see how to perform all those actions please watch video How to become a ROD member (7 steps which should be done to become a ROD member also).

ROD duties

The Regional Operations team is responsible for detecting problems, coordinating the diagnosis, and monitoring the problems through to a resolution. It monitors sites in their region, and react to problems identified by the monitors, either directly or indirectly, provide support to sites as needed, add to the knowledge base, and provide informational flow to oversight bodies in cases of non-reactive or non-responsive sites. ROD is a team responsible for solving problems on the infrastructure according to agreed procedures. They ensure that problems are properly recorded and progress according to specified time lines. They ensure that necessary information is available to all parties. The team is provided by each Operation Centre and requires procedural knowledge on the process (rather than technical skills) for their work.

All duties listed are mandatory for ROD team:

  • Handling incidents. The main responsibility of ROD is to deal with incidents at sites in the region. This includes making sure that the tickets are opened and handled properly. The procedure for handling tickets is described in EGI Infrastructure Oversight escalation procedure
  • Propagate actions from EGI Operations down to sites. ROD is responsible for ensuring that decisions taken on the EGI Operations level are propagated to sites.
  • Putting a site in downtime or suspend for urgent matters. In general, ROD can place a site in downtime (in the Configuration Database) if it is either requested by the site, or ROD sees an urgent need to put the site into downtime. ROD may also suspend a site, under exceptional circumstances, without going through all the steps of the escalation procedure. For example, if a security hazard occurs, ROD must suspend a site on the spot in the case of such an emergency. It is important to know that EGI Operations can also suspend a site in the case of an emergency e.g. security incidents or lack of response.
  • Notify EGI Operations about core or urgent matters. ROD should create Helpdesk tickets to EGI Operations in the case of core or urgent matters.

Important to read

Before you start your duties you should get familiar with following documents:

It is also important to watch video tutorials prepared for ROD teams. They will walk you through several topics which are important for your work.

Operational Tools

ROD uses several operational tools to perform theirs duties (Operations tools video):

  • Operations Portal. Dashboard tool on the Operations Portal is a main tool which is used by ROD teams. All actions concerning incidents (alarms and tickets) should be performed using this tool.
  • Service Monitoring (ARGO) is the official EGI monitoring system based on Nagios. It checks the availability of the services and creates alarms visible on the Operations Portal dashboard when a failure occurs.
  • Helpdesk is the EGI central helpdesk system designed for reporting and tracking problems.
  • Configuration Database is a central database which contains all static information about the infrastructure (sites and people).


Each ROD teams is supposed to provide own mailing list as a contact point to the team. The list of people responsible for ROD in a given NGI and contact points can be found in the EGI Configuration Database.

All ROD mailing list are subscribed to “all-central-operator-on-duty AT mailman.egi.eu” mailing list so to contact other ROD teams you can use this list.

To contact EGI Operations team you can:

  • send an Helpdesk ticket and assign it to EGI Operation support unit
  • send an email to “operations AT egi.eu”

You are welcome to send us questions in case of any doubts concerning ROD duties.

Last modified October 4, 2022 by paolini78 : creation of the ROD pages (#509)