
Organise and access data at scale with Rucio

What is it?

Built on more than a decade of experience in LHC experiments, Rucio serves the data needs of any modern scientific experiments. Rucio can manage large amounts of data, countless numbers of files, heterogeneous storage systems, globally distributed data centres, with monitoring and analytics.

Rucio allows management of data with expressive statements. You to say what you want, and Rucio will figure out the details of how to do it. For example, three copies of my file on different continents with a backup on tape. You can also automatically remove copies of data after a set period or once its access popularity drops.

While Rucio is extremely scalable, the STFC Rucio Data Management Service is designed for smaller communities, with expected data needs up to tens of Petabytes. The fact that the underlying Rucio infrastructure is managed by STFC, allows communities to easily start using and/or test Rucio with little setup cost.

Official Rucio Pages

Multi-VO specific pages

Next topics:
Getting Started with Rucio

How to get started with Rucio

Rucio Command-Line Interface

The most common Rucio commands

Administering Rucio

Help Rucio admins understand and perform actions for their VO

Dteam Specific Documentation

How to get set up with the dteam VO

Last modified February 23, 2022 by Levente Farkas : Update user documentation structure (#414)