Notebooks Environments

Runtime environments available in EGI Notebooks

JupyterHub is an extensible platform that supports different combination of software and hardware for running your applications. For the EGI service, you have the choice to run:

After logging into the service, you will be shown a form for selecting the environment, pick the desired one and click start

environmet selection

The list of options is customised for your community, depending on the VOs you are member of, you will be able to select new options tuned to your needs, e.g. VO members are presented with a runtime environment built matching their needs:

eiscat environment

If you have special needs that cannot be covered with the default environment environment, let us know by opening a ticket to the Notebooks Support Unit in GGUS.

Additionally, you can build your own environment via Replay. This will allow you to build reproducible and shareable environments for your notebooks.

Next topics:
Default Environment

The default environment in EGI Notebooks


Using MATLAB in EGI Notebooks

Last modified December 13, 2022 by Enol Fernandez : Rename replay