
Accessing the Configuration Database

To access the web interface of the EGI Configuration Database (GOCDB), users can either:

Users can access the system as soon as they are authenticated. However, they will only be able to update information based on their roles, and only once they will have registered a new user account.

More information about roles and associated permission is available in the Users and roles section of the documentation.

Applications requesting a specific role have to be validated by parent roles or administrators. Once granted, users can access and/or modify relevant information, according to the roles granted to them.

Using institutional account via EGI Check-in

In order to be able to access the Configuration Database with their institutional account, users need to:

  1. Have their Identity Provider (IdP) federated in EGI Check-in (via eduGAIN or directly).
  2. Have created an EGI Check-in account.

Using an X.509 digital certificate

To access the Configuration Database using a digital certificate, first obtain a certificate from one of the recognised EU-Grid-PMA Certification Authorities (CAs), then install it in your browser of choice (or import it into the certificate store of your local machine, on Windows).

Registering a new user account

Being authenticated in one of the two ways described above is enough to have read-only access to all the public features of the EGI Configuration Database. If you need to edit data in and request roles, you will need to fill in the registration form.

To Register:

If you were registered but are not recognised anymore (e.g. because your certificate DN changed), do not register again! Instead, follow the steps Lost access to your Configuration Database account section.