Frequently Asked Questions

I am responsible for a site that has recently entered the EGI infrastructure. How do I register it?

Only registered users with an approved role on an NGI can add a new site. If you are the site administrator, the first thing to do is to contact your NGI staff and ask them to add the site for you. Then, register to EGI Configuration Database (see the user account section) and ask for a site admin role for your site (see the requesting a role section). Once your role approved, you will be able to edit and change your site information.

How do I extend a declared schedule downtime?

Because of EGI policies it is not possible to extend a downtime. Recommended good practice for any downtime extension is to declare a new unscheduled downtime, starting just when the first one finishes. Please refer to the downtimes section of this documentation for more information, especially the “downtime extension” paragraph.

I have declared a downtime “at risk”, and it turns out to be an outage. How can I declare this properly?

If you have declared the downtime as being at risk and an outage actually happens half way through, you need to update the Configuration Database to reflect the fact that your site is now down. There is currently no way of doing this by updating the downtime on the fly without having the system considering the whole downtime as being an outage. The best way to proceed is:

  • Modify end date of your “at risk” downtime, so that it ends in a few minutes
  • Enter a new “outage” downtime, starting when the other ends

How do I switch monitoring on/off for my nodes?

Monitoring status in Configuration Database cannot always be switched off. If a node is declared as delivering a production service, rules apply and the node has to be monitored. If you are running a test node and want to switch monitoring off, set both “monitoring” and “production” to “N”.

Why nobody has approved my role request yet?

Someone has to approve any request you make, in order to ensure nobody is trying to get inappropriate roles. If yours is not getting approved, this can either be because your request was not legitimate, or most likely because the people that are supposed to do it forgot about it. Please refer to the Roles permissions definitions section of this documentation to determine who should validate your role, and try to get in touch with them. If you are requesting a site admin role, they are likely to be your fellow site admins or your NGI operators.

I am not an EGI user but need access to the backend to retrieve information for my project. What can I do?

Accessing the backend through another way than the Configuration Database web interface is out of the scope of this documentation. Please refer to the technical documentation instead, which is available from GOCDB Documentation.