Automating with oidc-agent, fedcloudclient, terraform and Ansible

Step by step guide to automating the deployment using Ansible with Terraform, oidc-agent and fedcloudclient


This tutorial describes how to create a Virtual Machine in the EGI Federation, leveraging oidc-agent to retrieve ODIC tokens from EGI Check-in, fedcloudclient to simplify interacting with the EGI Cloud Compute service, terraform and Ansible to simplify deploying an infrastructure. EGI Dynamic DNS is also used to assign a domain name to the virtual machine, which can then be used to get a valid TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt.

Step 1: Signing up for an EGI Check-in account

Create an EGI account with Check-in.

Step 2: Enrolling to a Virtual Organisation

Once your EGI account is ready you need to join a Virtual Organisation (VO). Here are the steps to join a VO. Explore the list of available VOs in the Operations Portal. We have a dedicated VO called for piloting purposes. If you are not sure about which VO to enrol to, please request access to the VO with your EGI account by visiting the enrolment URL. Check AppDB to see the list of Virtual Appliances and Resource Providers participating in the VO. AppDB is one of the service in the EGI Architecture.

This tutorial will assume you are using, adapt as required for your specific environment.

Step 3: Creating a VM

Once your membership to a VO has been approved you are ready to create your first Virtual Machine.

The OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol is used to authenticate users and authorise access to Cloud Compute resources that are integrated with EGI Check-in.

While it’s not mandatory, a convenient way to manage the OIDC token is to use oidc-agent.

Setting up oidc-agent

oidc-agent is a set of tools to manage OpenID Connect tokens and make them easily usable from the command line.

Install oidc-agent according to official documentation, once oidc-agent is installed it can be used to retrieve an OIDC access token from EGI Check-in.

# Generating configuration for EGI Check-in
$ oidc-gen --pub --issuer \
            --scope "email \
             eduperson_entitlement \
             eduperson_scoped_affiliation \
             eduperson_unique_id" egi
# Listing existing configuration
$ oidc-add -l
# Requesting an OIDC access token
$ oidc-token egi
# Exporting a variable with a Check-in OIDC access token to be used with OpenStack
# XXX access tokens are short lived, relaunch command to obtain a new token
# This is *not* required for following this tutorial, it's an example
$ export OS_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(oidc-token egi)

It’s possible to automatically start oidc-agent in your shell initialisation, example that can be added to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc:

if command -v oidc-agent-service &> /dev/null
  eval $(oidc-agent-service use)
  # for fedcloudclient, selecting egi configuration generated with oidc-gen

When using oidc-agent-service, fedcloudclient will be able to automatically request a new access token from oidc-agent.

See full documentation.

Installing fedcloudclient and ansible

fedcloudclient is an high-level Python package for a command-line client designed for interaction with the OpenStack services in the EGI infrastructure. The client can access various EGI services and can perform many tasks for users including managing access tokens, listing services, and mainly execute commands on OpenStack sites in EGI infrastructure.

fedcloudclient can leverage oidc-agent if it’s installed and properly configured.

fedcloudclient and openstackclient, the official OpenStack python client, will be used to interact with the EGI Cloud Compute service.

Required python dependencies are documented in a requirements.txt file (Ansible will be used at a later stage, but is installed at the same time):


For keeping the main system tidy and isolating the environment, the python packages will be installed in a dedicated python virtualenv:

# Creating an arbitrary directory where to store python virtual environments
$ mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs
# Creating a python 3 virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/fedcloud
# Activating the virtual environment
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/fedcloud
# Installing required python packages in the virtual environment
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Identifying a suitable cloud site

It’s possible to deploy an OpenStack Virtual Machine (VM) on any of the sites supporting the Virtual Organisations (VO) you are a member of.

Once fedcloudclient is installed it’s possible to get information about the OIDC token accessed via oidc-agent.

# Listing the VO membership related to the OIDC access token
$ fedcloud token list-vos

In order to look for sites supporting a particular VO, you can use the EGI Application Database.

You can retrieve information from the AppDB about the sites supporting the VO.

In the following example, the IN2P3-IRES site supporting the VO will be used, see Step 2: Enrolling to a Virtual Organisation to request access.

Deploying the Virtual Machine with terraform

Instead of creating the server manually, it is possible to use terraform with EGI Cloud Compute.

The Terraform OpenStack provider provides official documentation.

Terraform provides installation instructions for all usual platforms.

Once terraform is installed locally, we will create a deployment as documented in the following sections.

Setting up the environment

The OS_* variables that will be used by terraform can be generated using fedcloudclient.

# Activating the virtual environment
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/fedcloudclient/bin/activate
# Exporting variable for VO and SITE to avoid having to repeat them
$ export EGI_VO=''
$ export EGI_SITE='IN2P3-IRES'
eval $(fedcloud site env)
# Obtaining an OS_TOKEN for terraform
# XXX this breaks using openstackclient: use fedcloudclient
# or unset OS_TOKEN before using openstackclient
$ export OS_TOKEN=$(fedcloud openstack token issue --site "$EGI_SITE" \
    --vo "$EGI_VO" -j | jq -r '.[0]')

Describing the terraform variables

The main terraform configuration file, is using variables that have to be described in a file:

# Terraform variables definition
# Values to be provided in a *.tfvars file passed on the command line

variable "internal_net_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "The id of the internal network"

variable "public_ip_pool" {
  type        = string
  description = "The name of the public IP address pool"

variable "image_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "VM image id"

variable "flavor_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "VM flavor id"

variable "security_groups" {
  type        = list(string)
  description = "List of security groups"

The SITE and VO specific values for those variables will be identified and documented in a $EGI_SITE.tfvars file.

Identifying the cloud resources

Once the environment is properly configure, fedcloudclient is used to gather information and identify flavor, image, network and security groups for the site you want to use.

fedcloud openstack currently requires an explicit --site parameter, this will be addressed in a future fedcloud release. In the meantime the $EGI_SITE environment variable can be reused using --site "$EGI_SITE".

# Selecting an image
$ fedcloud select image --image-specs "Name =~ 'EGI.*22'"
# Selecting a flavor
$ fedcloud select flavor --flavor-specs "RAM>=2096" \
    --flavor-specs "Disk > 10" --vcpus 2
# Identifying available networks
$ fedcloud openstack --site "$EGI_SITE" network list
$ fedcloud select network --network-specs default
# Identifying security groups
$ fedcloud openstack --site "$EGI_SITE" security group list
# Listing rules of a specific security group
$ fedcloud openstack --site "$EGI_SITE" security group rule list default

Documenting the cloud resources for the selected site

The chosen flavor, image, network and security group should be documented in a $EGI_SITE.tfvars file that will be passed as an argument to terraform commands.

The network configuration can be tricky, and is usually dependant on the site. For IN2P3-IRES, one has to request a floating IP from the public network IP pool ext-net, and assign this floating IP to the created instance. For another site it may not be needed, in that case the will have to be adjusted accordingly.

See the example IN2P3-IRES.tfvars below, to be adjusted according to the requirements and to the selected site and VO:

# Internal network
internal_net_id = "7ae7b0ca-f122-4445-836a-5fb7af524dcb"

# Public IP pool for floating IPs
public_ip_pool = "ext-net"

# Flavor: m1.medium
flavor_id = "ab1fbd4c-324d-4155-bd0f-72f077f0ebce"

# Image for EGI CentOS 7
image_id = "09093c70-f2bb-46b8-a87f-00e2cc0c8542"
# Image: EGI CentOS 8
# image_id = "38ced5bf-bbfd-434b-ae41-3ab35d929aba"
# Image: EGI Ubuntu 22.04
# image_id = "fc6c83a3-845f-4f29-b44d-2584f0ca4177"

# Security groups
security_groups  = ["default"]

Creating the main terraform deployment file

To be more reusable, the configuration file is referencing variables described in the file created previously, and will take the values from the $EGI_SITE.tfvars file passed as an argument to the terraform command.

# Terraform versions and providers
terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.14.0"
  required_providers {
    openstack = {
      source = "terraform-provider-openstack/openstack"
      version = "~> 1.35.0"

# Allocate a floating IP from the public IP pool
resource "openstack_networking_floatingip_v2" "egi_vm_floatip_1" {
  pool = var.public_ip_pool

# Creating the VM
resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "egi_vm" {
  name = "egi_test_vm"
  image_id = var.image_id
  flavor_id = var.flavor_id
  security_groups = var.security_groups
  user_data = file("cloud-init.yaml")
  network {
    uuid = var.internal_net_id

# Attach the floating public IP to the created instance
resource "openstack_compute_floatingip_associate_v2" "egi_vm_fip_1" {
  instance_id = "${}"
  floating_ip = "${openstack_networking_floatingip_v2.egi_vm_floatip_1.address}"

# Create inventory file for Ansible
resource "local_file" "hosts_cfg" {
  content = templatefile("${path.module}/hosts.cfg.tpl",
      ui = "${openstack_networking_floatingip_v2.egi_vm_floatip_1.address}"
  filename = "./inventory/hosts.cfg"

The last resource is relying on templatefile to populate the inventory file that will later be used by ansible.

Initial configuration of the VM using cloud-init

cloud-init is the industry standard multi-distribution method for cross-platform cloud instance initialization.

The initial configuration of the VM is done using a cloud-init.yaml file.

The curl call from the runcmd block in the cloud-init.yaml configuration below, will register the IP of the virtual machine in the DNS zone managed using the EGI Dynamic DNS service, allowing to access the virtual machine using a fully qualified hostname and allowing to retrieve a Let’s Encrypt certificate.

Please look at the EGI Dynamic DNS documentation for instructions on creating the configuration for a new host.

The users block in the cloud-init.yaml configuration below, will create a new user with password-less sudo access.

While this egi user can only be accessed via the specified SSH key(s), setting a user password and requesting password verification for using sudo should be considered, as a compromise of this user account would mean a compromise of the complete virtual machine.

Replace <NSUPATE_HOSTNAME>, <NSUPDATE_SECRET>, <SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEY> (the content of your SSH public key) by the proper values.

# cloud-config
  - [

  - name: egi
    gecos: EGI
    primary_group: egi
    groups: users
    shell: /bin/bash

  - vim

package_update: true
package_upgrade: true
package_reboot_if_required: true

Launching the terraform deployment

Now that all the files have been created, it’s possible to deploy the infrastructure, currently only a single VM, but it can easily be extended to a more complex setup, using terraform:

# Initialising working directory, install dependencies
$ terraform init
# Reviewing plan of actions for creating the infrastructure
# Use relevant site-specific config file
$ terraform plan --var-file="${EGI_SITE}.tfvars"
# Creating the infrastructure
# Manual approval can be skipped using -auto-approve
# The SERVER_ID will be printed (openstack_compute_instance_v2.scoreboard)
$ terraform apply --var-file="${EGI_SITE}.tfvars"
# Wait a few minutes for the setup to be finalised
# Connecting to the server using ssh

From here you can extend the cloud-init.yaml and/or use Ansible to configure the remote machine, as well as doing manual work via SSH.

Debugging terraform

The token used by Terraform for accessing OpenStack is short lived, it will have to be renewed from time to time.

# Creating a new token to access the OpenStack endpoint
$ export OS_TOKEN=$(fedcloud openstack token issue --site "$EGI_SITE" \
    --vo "$EGI_VO" -j | jq -r '.[0]')

It is possible to print a verbose/debug output to get details on interactions with the OpenStack endpoint.

# Debugging
$ OS_DEBUG=1 TF_LOG=DEBUG terraform apply --var-file="${EGI_SITE}.tfvars"

Destroying the resources created by terraform

# Destroying the created infrastructure
$ terraform destroy --var-file="${EGI_SITE}.tfvars"

Step 4: Using Ansible

Ansible can be used to manage the configuration of the crated virtual machine.

The terraform deployment generated an Ansible inventory, inventory/hosts.cfg, that can directly be used by Ansible.

Configure a basic Ansible environment in the ansible.cfg file:

# Use user created using cloud-init.yml
remote_user = egi
# Use inventory file generated by terraform
inventory = ./inventory/hosts.cfg

# Escalate privileges using password-less sudo
become = yes

Then you can verify that the Virtual Machine is accessible by Ansible:

# Confirming ansible can reach the VM
$ ansible all -m ping

Once this works, you can create advanced playbooks to configure your deployed host(s).

Various Ansible roles are available in the egi-qc/ansible-playbooks repository and in the EGI Federation GitHub organisation.

A style guide for writing Ansible roles is providing a skeleton that you can use fore creating new roles.

Additional resources

Additional resources are available, and can help with addressing different use cases, or be used as a source of inspiration:

Asking for help

If you find issues please do not hesitate to contact us.