Configuration Database

Topology and configuration registry for sites in EGI infrastructure

What is it?

The EGI Configuration Database (GOCDB) is a central registry that records topology information about all sites participating in the EGI infrastructure.

The configuration database also provides different rules and grouping mechanisms for filtering and managing the information associated to resources. This can include entities such as operations and resource centres, service endpoints and their downtimes, contact information and roles of staff responsible for operations at different levels.

The configuration database is used by all the actors (end users, site managers, NGI managers, support teams, VO managers), by other tools, and by third party middleware to discover information about the infrastructure topology.

Next topics:
Service information

Technical details of the Configuration Database


Accessing the Configuration Database

Adding service endpoints

Adding service endpoints information into Configuration Database


Managing and consulting downtimes

Extension Properties

Extension Properties

Managing NGIs entities

Managing NGIs entities

NGI Core Services

Managing the NGI Core Services entries in Configuration Database


Understanding and manipulating scopes

Service Entities

Managing Service entities

Service groups

Understanding and manipulating service groups

Service Types

Description of Service types.


Managing Sites entities

Users and roles

Guide about user accounts and the roles

Service registration requirements

Information required for registering a service into the Configuration Database

Adding a new project

How to create a new project in EGI Configuration Database.


Frequently Asked Questions

Last modified October 4, 2022 by paolini78 : updating the list of required services (#510)