Disaster Mitigation and Agriculture community

How to to use the EGI infrastructure for Disaster Mitigation and Agriculture community

This is the documentation to support the Disaster Mitigation and Agriculture community.


How to get access

Getting access to the EGI infrastructure consists of the following steps:

  1. Sign-up for an EGI Check-In account.
  2. Request to join the vo.environmental.egi.eu Virtual Organisation (VO) by visiting the enrollment URL with your EGI Check-In account. The subscription requires approval from the VO Manager.
  3. Access the cloud-based resources at CESNET-MCC:
    • Horizon OpenStack dashboard
    • Project name: vo.environmental.egi.eu
    • Project ID: 29e6fbf618984a0c98ffcdf0222ad815
    • Network ID: group-project-network
    • Security Group: ingress traffic to port 22 (SSH) is enabled

How to bring your scientific application to the EGI infrastructure

The official solution to distribute software in the EGI Infrastructure is to use CVMFS, the Software Distribution Service developed to assist High Energy Physics collaborations at CERN. For more details, please refer to the Contend Distribution documentation.

The following alternative solutions for sharing scientific software in the EGI Infrastructure are also available:

To get started, have a look at the tutorial to create your first Virtual Machine in the EGI Infrastructure.

How to bring your data to the EGI infrastructure

For managing data, different Data Management services are available in the EGI Infrastructure:

For more information, please see the Data Management section and the tutorials. The following tutorials may be relevant:

Service Providers

How to contribute cloud resources

The steps that an OpenStack cloud provider needs to follow to add resources to the Disaster Mitigation and Agriculture community Virtual Organisation (i.e. vo.environmental.egi.eu) are available in the VO Configuration guide for providers.

Last modified October 3, 2022 by Sebastian Luna-Valero : add suggested changes (#508)