
Organise data in research projects with openRDM

While most other data management services are available in the EGI infrastructure, there are specialized services in the EGI portfolio that are offered for in-house installations by research communities, with support for customization and configuration from EGI.

What is it?

The openRDM service, an Research Data Management (RDM) tool, offers advanced organisation of data during ongoing research projects, as an integrated environment with data management and digital lab notebook.

openRDM combines a data management platform with a digital lab notebook and a sample and protocol management system. It enables scientists to meet the ever-increasing requirements from funding agencies, journals, and academic institutions to publish data according to the FAIR data principles – according to which data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

Last modified February 23, 2022 by Levente Farkas : Update user documentation structure (#414)