Service information

EGI Accounting identity card

Identity card

NameAccounting (Repository and Portal)
DescriptionTracking, in an APEL-based repository, and reporting, via a web portal, of the usage of EGI resources and services.
URL (portal)
Support Emailapel-admins <at>
Helpdesk Support UnitEGI Services and Service Components
I__ Accounting Portal
I__ APEL Client and Accounting Repository
Configuration Database entriesRepository
SuppliersUKRI (Repository), CESGA (Portal)
Release notesN/A
Source codeAPEL, Portal: N/A
Issue tracker for developersAPEL, Portal: Helpdesk
LicenceApache 2.0
Privacy NoticePrivacy Notice
Last modified January 6, 2023 by paolini78 : page about storage accounting (#561)