
Certificate provisioning

EGI Foundation is having access to a GÉANT Trusted Certificate Service subscription.

Sectigo is the current Certificate Authority (CA) providing certificates to GÉANT TCS.

This can be used to issue IGTF-trust (AKA eScience certificates) and public-trust certificates, for the domains managed by EGI Foundation, like egi.eu.

Operators of central services can request two types of certificates:

  • host certificates, with public-trust, and optionally IGTF trust.
  • robot email certificates, to be used as client certificate, to authenticate using X509 as a service.

In some specific cases, like for Cloud Compute providers not having access to an IGTF CA, it’s possible for them to request a robot certificate, as an IGTF certificate is required for sending accounting records.

You can contact scs-ra@egi.eu (or operations@egi.eu) if you need support.

Requesting a new certificate

Open a ticket to Collaboration Tools SU in EGI Helpdesk, providing:

An operator will follow with the request, and help you getting the certificate.

Retrieving certificates

  • Host certificates will be sent by email, you will receive a notification with links allowing to download it.
  • For robot certificates, you will receive an invitation by email allowing to generate and retrieve it.

Renewing certificates

Certificates are usually valid for one year. Auto-renewal of certificates is enabled by default, 30 days before expiration, notifications will be sent to the contact address provided when requesting the certificate.

The notifications contains links allowing to renew the certificate.

Creating a Certificate Signing Request

In order to get a certificate, Service Providers may be requested to send a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

In the CSR only the Common Name (CN) is important, it should be the (FQDN) of the service Most of other fields will be replaced by the CA while generating the certificate.

It can be done via different ways, some are documented below.

Using a web application

DigiCert provides an online web application.

Using CloudFalre cfssl tool

It can be done with the cfssl tool from CloudFlare.

# Replace #FQDN# by the FQDN of the service
$ cfssl genkey <(echo '{"hosts":["#FQDN#"],"CN"#FQDN#","key":{"algo":"rsa","size":4096}}')
  | cfssljson -bare ##FQDN##.rsa

Using OpenSSL

It can be done using the following OpenSSL command (This will generate a password-protected key.

You will be asked for various questions, but the only important ones are the Common Name (CN) and Subject Alternative Names (SAN) (in case you want to request a certificates covering different FQDNs), as other values will be overwritten by the CA.

$ openssl req -out CSR.csr -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout privateKey.key

Adding the -nodes option will disable password protection for the key, beware if using it.

Using ACME protocol

It is possible to automate the certificate request and renewal using the ACME protocol via certbot or similar tools.

Two things should be considered:

  • it’s not yet possible to get eScience/IGTF-trusted certificates, it’s on the roadmap but without any firm ETA.
  • it’s using a different intermediate CA from Sectigo, not the usual GEANT one used for TCS, but this shouldn’t have much impact for generic/non-eScience public services.

The EGI SDIS team will have to create and register an ACME client ID for you.

Once you will have the credential it should be possible to request a certificate, using the standard certbot client, as documented below.

Registering the client and saving the credentials locally

This will interactively register your certbot client. Even if the ACME credentials are shared, only a given client is able to manage the certificates it requested. Email address is used for urgent renewal and security notices. This is preferred way if you need to get notifications on certificate expiration and if you are doing some manual management or testing.

$ sudo certbot register --no-eff-email \
   --server https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV \
   --eab-kid <EAB_KID> \
   --eab-hmac-key <EAB_HMAC_KEY> \
    --email <CONTACT_EMAIL>

# Checking existing account
$ sudo certbot show_account --server https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV

# Unregistering an account
# Beware: you won't any more be able to revoke certificate issued with the account
$ sudo certbot unregister --server https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV
Requesting a certificate
$ sudo certbot certonly --standalone --non-interactive \
   --server https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV \
   --domain fakedomaindonotexist.egi.eu
Revoking a certificate
$ sudo certbot revoke \
   --server https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV \
   --cert-name fakedomaindonotexist.egi.eu

Registering and requesting a certificate all at once

This is useful when you don’t want interactive registration, like for one shot scripts. Email address is used for urgent renewal and security notices.

Apparently the notification to use this email is not visible in cert-manager, and the first option with explicit registration may be safer to get the notifications, if it’s a required feature.

$ sudo certbot certonly --standalone --non-interactive --agree-tos \
   --server https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV \
   --eab-kid <EAB_KID> --eab-hmac-key <EAB_HMAC_KEY> \
   --rsa-key-size 4096 \
   --email <CONTACT_EMAIL> \
   --domain fakedomaindonotexist.egi.eu

Other usual certbot options should also work. You may also be able to use other tools that can speak the ACME protocol, it should be standard.