Default Environment

The default environment in EGI Notebooks

The default environment includes a set of kernels that are automatically built from the EGI-Federation/egi-notebooks-images GitHub repository. These are the ones available:

  • Python: Default Python 3 kernel, it includes commonly used data analysis and machine learning libraries. Created from the jupyter/scipy-notebook stack.

  • DIRAC / Python 2: A python 2 kernel that includes a DIRAC installation for interacting with EGI Workload Manager.

  • Julia: The Julia programming language with the libraries described in jupyter/datascience-notebook.

  • R: The R programming language with several packages from the R ecosystem as provided by jupyter/r-notebook and some extra libraries.

  • Octave: The Octave programming language installed on its own conda environment (named octave).

If you want to add a new kernel, just let us know and we will discuss the best way to support your request.