EGI Check-in Token Portal

Usage guide of EGI Check-in Token Portal

The EGI Check-in Token Portal allows users to create Access and Refresh Tokens.

Obtain an Access Token

In order to obtain an Access Token from EGI Check-in Token Portal, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to and click on “Authorise” to authenticate yourself. EGI Check-in Token Portal Home Page
  2. After logging in you will obtain an Access Token as it is shown below: EGI Check-in Token Portal Access Token
    1. The value of the Access Token
    2. The command to get user’s information from userinfo endpoint
    3. Obtain a Refresh Token (more info in Obtain a Refresh Token section)
    4. View and manage the applications you have given permissions

Obtain a Refresh Token

In order to obtain an Refresh Token from EGI Check-in Token Portal, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to and click on “Authorise” to authenticate yourself. EGI Check-in Token Portal Home Page
  2. After logging in click on “Create Refresh Token”: EGI Check-in Token Portal Access Token
  3. Then you will be redirected back to EGI Check-in Token Portal and you will have obtained a Refresh Token: EGI Check-in Token Portal Refresh Token
    1. The value of the Refresh Token
    2. The command to generate new Access Token using the Refresh Token
Last modified September 14, 2022 by Nick Evangelou : [Check-in] Update Token Portal guide (#504)