Data Tranfer Clients

Clients for accessing EGI Data Transfer


The FTS3 service offers a command-line client to ease the interaction with the service.


The client software is available for RHEL 6 and 7 derivatives.

Please note that the RHEL 6 support is ending the 30/11/2020 and the implementation for RHEL 8 is on-going.

Users from other distributions should refer to the RESTFul API section.


The CLI can be installed from the EPEL repositories for RHEL 7 with the following package:

yum install fts-rest-cli -y


This section describes some of the commands that can be issues via the FTS CLI. As per the API, in order to authenticate to the FTS REST server you need an X.509 User certificate, please refer to this section
for more information.

Check the full documentation about the FTS CLI


This command can be used to check, as the name suggests, who are we for the server.


fts-rest-whoami [options]

-h/--help : Show this help message and exit

-v/--verbose : Verbose output.

-s/--endpoint : Fts3 rest endpoint.

-j/--json : Print the output in json format.

--key : The user certificate private key.

--cert : The user certificate.

--capath : Use the specified directory to verify the peer

--insecure : Do not validate the server certificate

--access-token : Oauth2 access token (supported only by some endpoints,
                 takes precedence)


$ fts-rest-whoami -s
User DN: /DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=NL/O=Stichting EGI/CN=Andrea Manzi
VO: dteam
VO id: 6b10f4e4-8fdc-5555-baa2-7d4850d4f406
Delegation id: 9ab8068853808c6b
Base id: 01874efb-4735-4595-bc9c-591aef8240c9


This command can be used to (re)delegate your credentials to the FTS3 server.


fts-rest-delegate [options]

-h/--help : Show this help message and exit

-v/--verbose : Verbose output.

-s/--endpoint : Fts3 rest endpoint.

-j/--json : Print the output in json format.

--key : The user certificate private key.

--cert : The user certificate.

--capath : Use the specified directory to verify the peer

--insecure : Do not validate the server certificate

--access-token : Oauth2 access token (supported only by some endpoints,
                 takes precedence)

-f/--force : Force the delegation

-H/--hours : Duration of the delegation in hours (default: 12)


$ fts-rest-delegate -s
Delegation id: 9ab8068853808c6b


This command can be used to submit new jobs to FTS3. It supports simple and bulk submissions. The bulk format is as follows:

  "files": [
      "sources": [
      "destinations": [
      "metadata": "file-metadata",
      "checksum": "ADLER32:1234",
      "filesize": 1024
      "sources": [
      "destinations": [
      "metadata": "file2-metadata",
      "checksum": "ADLER32:4321",
      "filesize": 2048,
      "activity": "default"


fts-rest-transfer-submit [options] SOURCE DESTINATION [CHECKSUM]

-h/--help : Show this help message and exit

-v/--verbose : Verbose output.

-s/--endpoint : Fts3 rest endpoint.

-j/--json : Print the output in json format.

--key : The user certificate private key.

--cert : The user certificate.

--capath : Use the specified directory to verify the peer

--insecure : Do not validate the server certificate

--access-token : Oauth2 access token (supported only by some endpoints,
                 takes precedence)

-b/--blocking : Blocking mode. Wait until the operation completes.

-i/--interval : Interval between two poll operations in blocking mode.

-e/--expire : Expiration time of the delegation in minutes.

--delegate-when-lifetime-lt : Delegate the proxy when the remote lifetime
 is less than this value (in minutes)

-o/--overwrite : Overwrite files.

-r/--reuse : Enable session reuse for the transfer job.

--job-metadata : Transfer job metadata.

--file-metadata : File metadata.

--file-size : File size (in bytes)

-g/--gparam : Gridftp parameters.

-t/--dest-token : The destination space token or its description.

-S/--source-token : The source space token or its description.

-K/--compare-checksum : Deprecated: compare checksums between source and

-C/--checksum-mode : Compare checksums in source, target, both or none.

--copy-pin-lifetime : Pin lifetime of the copy in seconds.

--bring-online : Bring online timeout in seconds.

--timeout : Transfer timeout in seconds.

--fail-nearline : Fail the transfer is the file is nearline.

--dry-run : Do not send anything, just print the json message.

-f/--file : Name of configuration file

--retry : Number of retries. If 0, the server default will be used.
If negative, there will be no retries.

-m/--multi-hop : Submit a multihop transfer.

--cloud-credentials : Use cloud credentials for the job (i. E. Dropbox).

--nostreams : Number of streams

--ipv4 : Force ipv4

--ipv6 : Force ipv6


fts-rest-transfer-submit -s \
  gsi gsi
Job successfully submitted.
Job id: 7e02b4fa-d568-11ea-9c80-02163e018681

$ fts-rest-transfer-submit -s -f test.json
Job successfully submitted.
Job id: 9a28d204-d568-11ea-9c80-02163e018681


This command can be used to check the current status of a given job.


fts-rest-transfer-status [options] JOB_ID

-h/--help : Show this help message and exit

-v/--verbose : Verbose output.

-s/--endpoint : Fts3 rest endpoint.

-j/--json : Print the output in json format.

--key : The user certificate private key.

--cert : The user certificate.

--capath : Use the specified directory to verify the peer

--insecure : Do not validate the server certificate

--access-token : Oauth2 access token (supported only by some endpoints,
 takes precedence)


fts-rest-transfer-status -s \
Request ID: 7e02b4fa-d568-11ea-9c80-02163e018681
Status: FAILED
Client DN: /DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=NL/O=Stichting EGI/CN=Andrea Manzi
Reason: One or more files failed. Please have a look at the details for more
Submission time: 2020-08-03T09:05:36
Priority: 3
VO Name: dteam


This command can be used to cancel a running job. It returns the final state of the cancelled job. Please, mind that if the job is already in a final state (FINISHEDDIRTY, FINISHED, FAILED), this command will return this state. You can additionally cancel only a subset appending a comma-separated list of file IDs.


fts-rest-transfer-cancel [options]

-h/--help : Show this help message and exit

-v/--verbose : Verbose output.

-s/--endpoint : Fts3 rest endpoint.

-j/--json : Print the output in json format.

--key : The user certificate private key.

--cert : The user certificate.

--capath : Use the specified directory to verify the peer

--insecure : Do not validate the server certificate

--access-token : Oauth2 access token (supported only by some endpoints,
 takes precedence)


fts-rest-transfer-cancel -s