Submitting HTC Jobs

Submitting High Throughput Compute jobs


This tutorial describes how to submit High Throughput Compute (HTC) jobs using command-line.

This tutorial is meant for somewhat advanced users or the ones willing or needing to interact with the resources at a low level.


To submit an EGI HTC job, you will have to:

  1. Obtain an X.509 user certificate. The supported certificates are issued by Certification Authorities (CAs) part of the European Policy Management Authority for Grid Authentication (EUGridPMA), which is also part of the International Global Trust Federation (IGTF).
  2. Enrol into a VO having access to HTC resources.

This tutorial will be using dteam a test Virtual Organisation that can be used by resource providers, commands should be adjusted to the appropriate VO.

Step 1: getting access to a User Interface (UI)

In order to interact with HTC resources, you should have access to a User Interface, often referred to as a UI. This software environment will provide all the tools required to interact with the different middleware, as different sites can be using different Computing Element (CE), such as HTCondorCE and ARC-CE (CREAM is a legacy software stack that is not officially supported).

Different possibilities are available to access an UI:

  • Having access to an UI provided by/for your community, please get in touch with them about this.
  • Deploying a UI, as documented below.

Deploying an UI

The UI is available as a package in the UMD software distribution, but it will also require additional software and configuration.

In order to help with deploying an UI, different solutions are possible:

This tutorial is based on using a VM deployed using the ui-deployment repository, refer to the repository for detailed instructions on deploying the UI.

Step 2: creating a VOMS proxy

The Virtual Organization Membership Service (VOMS) enables Virtual Organisation (VO) access control in distributed services. A proxy allows limited delegation of rights, allowing remote services to securely interact with other resources and services on behalf of the user.

Configuring the system to use voms-client

When using ansible-role-VOMS-client, the full environment has been setup for you, and there is no need for manual configuration.

Before being able to use voms-client, it is required to configure access to the VOMS server of the chosen VO, using the proper .vomses and .lsc files, based on the information available on the VOMS server of the specific VO.

If you cannot edit content in /etc/vomses and /etc/grid-security/vomsdir, you can respectively use ~/.glite/vomses and ~/.glite/vomsdir. You may have to export X509_VOMSES and X509_VOMS_DIR in your shell, as documented on CERN’s twiki:

$ export X509_VOMSES=~/.glite/vomses
$ export X509_VOMS_DIR=~/.glite/vomsdir

Preparing the X.509 credentials

Once you have obtained an X.509 user certificate issued by a Certification Authority (CA) part of the International Global Trust Federation (IGTF), you should extract the certificate and private key, and add them to a ~/.globus directory.

If the X.509 certificate is in your browser’s keyring, you should export it to a passphrase protected .p12 file, then using openssl pkcs12 you can extract the required PEM files:

# Creating and protecting ~/.globus directory
$ mkdir -p ~/.globus
$ chmod 750 ~/.globus
# Extracting the certificate from the p12 file "exported_cert.p12"
openssl pkcs12 -in exported_cert.p12 -out ~/.globus/usercert.pem -clcerts -nokeys
# Adjusting rights on the user certificate
$ chmod 640 ~/.globus/usercert.pem
# Extracting the certificate key from the p12, protecting it with a passphrase
$ openssl pkcs12 -in exported_cert.p12 -out ~/.globus/userkey.pem -nocerts
# Adjusting rights on the certificate key
$ chmod 400 ~/.globus/userkey.pem

If you are using a certificate provided by the GÉANT Trusted Certificate Service (TCS), in addition to the official documentation provided by your organisation, you may be interested by looking at the following documentation:

Using voms-client

Once the configuration for the VOMS client has been completed, and when the X.509 credentials have been prepared, you can create a VOMS proxy for dteam VO:

# Creating the proxy
$ voms-proxy-init -voms dteam
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Contacting [/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/] "dteam"...
Remote VOMS server contacted succesfully.

Created proxy in /tmp/x509up_u1001.

Your proxy is valid until Wed Oct 26 23:27:30 CEST 2022
# Checking the proxy
$ voms-proxy-info
subject   : /DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=NL/O=Stichting EGI/CN=Jane Doe/CN=123456319
issuer    : /DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=NL/O=Stichting EGI/CN=Jane Doe
identity  : /DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=NL/O=Stichting EGI/CN=Jane Doe
type      : RFC3820 compliant impersonation proxy
strength  : 2048
path      : /tmp/x509up_u1001
timeleft  : 11:58:48
key usage : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment


Step 3: identifying available resources

It is possible to identify available resources by querying the information system.

Two Computing Element (CE) “flavours” are used in production:

In this section we will document querying the EGI Information System to retrieve information about the available resources.

Use case: identifying all the Computing Elements supporting the dteam VO

As documented in the pages covering the querying of the Information System, in GLUE 2.0, the access granted to a given VO to a compute or storage resource, is published using the GLUE2Share and GLUE2Policy objects. The GLUE2ComputingShare object specifically documents sharing of compute resources.

# Querying GLUE2ComputingShare for all the computing resources available to dteam VO
$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:// \
    -b "GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue" \

It is possible to filter for the different types of Computing Element, and select only specific attributes.

Once you will have selected a site, using the ldapsearch queries from the next subsections, you will be able to send jobs to them, as documented in the Step4: submitting and managing jobs.

Looking for a HTCondorCE for dteam

# Information about the HTCondorCE supporting dteam VO
$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:// \
    -b "GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue" \
    '(&(objectClass=GLUE2ComputingShare)(GLUE2ShareID=*dteam*)(GLUE2ComputingShareComputingEndpointForeignKey=*HTCondorCE*))' \
    GLUE2ShareEndpointForeignKey \
    GLUE2ShareID \
    GLUE2ComputingShareTotalJobs \
    GLUE2ComputingShareRunningJobs \

# XXX Most HTCondorCE have the Endpoint ending in `HTCondorCE`, but some have
# it ending with `htcondorce`, like in this tutorial for ``
# XXX The attribute `GLUE2ComputingShareComputingEndpointForeignKey` is matched
$ in a case sensitive way, and the filter should be updated to match them
$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:// \
    -b "GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue" \
    '(&(objectClass=GLUE2ComputingShare)(GLUE2ShareID=*dteam*)(|(GLUE2ComputingShareComputingEndpointForeignKey=*HTCondorCE*)(GLUE2ComputingShareComputingEndpointForeignKey=*htcondorce*)))' \
    GLUE2ShareEndpointForeignKey \
    GLUE2ShareID \
    GLUE2ComputingShareTotalJobs \
    GLUE2ComputingShareRunningJobs \

As it was decided to go for, the information about the CE can be requested using the following request, filtering on the GLUE2ShareID from the previous query: grid_dteam_condorce1.ciemat.es_ComputingElement.

# condor_submit needs CE ( and pool (
$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:// \
    -b "GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue" \
    '(&(objectClass=GLUE2ComputingShare)(GLUE2ShareID=*grid_dteam_condorce1.ciemat.es_ComputingElement*))' \
    GLUE2ShareID \
    GLUE2ShareDescription \
    GLUE2ComputingShareExecutionEnvironmentForeignKey \

HTCondorCE are usually running on port 9619, this is confirmed by the results. Based on those results, it’s possible to guess the following parameters that will have to be used when submitting the job:

  • CE Name: (reported in GLUE2ComputingShareExecutionEnvironmentForeignKey:
  • CE Pool: (reported in GLUE2EntityOtherInfo:

Looking for an ARC-CE for dteam

// jscpd:ignore-start

# Information about the ARC-CE supporting dteam VO
$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:// \
    -b "GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue" \
    '(&(objectClass=GLUE2ComputingShare)(GLUE2ShareID=*dteam*)(GLUE2ComputingShareComputingEndpointForeignKey=*urn:ogf*))' \
    GLUE2ComputingShareComputingEndpointForeignKey \
    GLUE2ShareEndpointForeignKey \
    GLUE2ComputingShareTotalJobs \
    GLUE2ComputingShareRunningJobs \

As it was decided to go for, the information about the CE can be requested using the following request, filtering on the GLUE2ShareID from the previous query:

# arcsub needs CE name (
$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:// \
    -b "GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue" \
    '(&(objectClass=GLUE2ComputingShare)(GLUE2ShareID=**))' \
    GLUE2ShareID \
    GLUE2ShareDescription \
    GLUE2ComputingShareComputingServiceForeignKey \

// jscpd:ignore-end

  • CE Name: (exported from the GLUE2ComputingShareComputingServiceForeignKey:

Step 4: submitting and managing jobs

To an HTCondorCE Computing Element

The HTCondor-CE software is a Compute Entrypoint (CE) based on HTCondor for sites that are part of a larger computing grid (e.g. EGI, Open Science Grid (OSG)).

The condor package will install all the required dependencies.

yum install condor

Condor will use the VOMS proxy created earlier.

While HTCondor provides an official HTCodnor Quick Start Guide, the main steps for managing a job will be highlighted below.

Create env.sub, the compute job to be executed on the remote Computing Element:

executable              = /usr/bin/env
log                     = env.log
output                  = outfile.txt
error                   = errors.txt
should_transfer_files   = Yes
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

The format of the submit description file, is documented in HTCondor manual and condor_submit man page.

Submission of a job with the -spool option causes HTCondor to spool all input files, the job event log, and any proxy across a connection to the machine where the condor_schedd daemon is running. After spooling these files, the machine from which the job is submitted may disconnect from the network or modify its local copies of the spooled files.

Submit job using condor_submit:

# Submitting a job, spooling input and output files to
$ condor_submit --spool --name \
    --pool env.sub
Submitting job(s).
1 job(s) submitted to cluster 97412.

Monitor the status of the job using condor_q:

# Checking the status of a specific job
$ condor_q --name --pool 97412

-- Schedd: : < @ 10/26/22 16:31:00
dteam050 ID: 97412   10/26 16:21      _      _      _      1 97412.0

Total for query: 1 jobs; 1 completed, 0 removed, 0 idle, 0 running, 0 held, 0 suspended
Total for all users: 884 jobs; 412 completed, 0 removed, 200 idle, 259 running, 13 held, 0 suspended

# Checking the status of all jobs running on that
$ condor_q --name --pool

-- Schedd: : < @ 10/26/22 16:25:03
dteam050 ID: 97400   10/26 15:46      _      _      _      1 97400.0
dteam050 ID: 97412   10/26 16:21      _      _      _      1 97412.0

Total for query: 2 jobs; 2 completed, 0 removed, 0 idle, 0 running, 0 held, 0 suspended
Total for dteam050: 2 jobs; 2 completed, 0 removed, 0 idle, 0 running, 0 held, 0 suspended
Total for all users: 883 jobs; 411 completed, 0 removed, 200 idle, 259 running, 13 held, 0 suspended

It is also possible to view the output of a running job using condor_tail.

Download the job output to the UI using condor_transfer_data:

# Retrieving the output of a specific job
 $ condor_transfer_data -name -pool 97412.0
Fetching data files...


To an ARC-CE Computing Element

ARC Compute Element (CE) is a Grid front-end on top of a conventional computing resource (e.g. a Linux cluster or a standalone workstation). ARC CE is sometimes also called ARC server.

While there is an official documentation on How to submit a job, the main steps will be documented below.

If you haven’t already generated a credential with voms-proxy-init, you can generate a proxy certificate using ARC’s own tool: arcproxy, which is using the same credentials as voms-proxy-init, and should produce an equivalent proxy. To do this you first need to prepare your X.509 credentials.

# Generating a proxy for ARC
$ arcproxy --voms dteam
Enter pass phrase for private key:
Your identity: /DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=NL/O=Stichting EGI/CN=Jane Doe
Contacting VOMS server (named dteam): on port: 15004
Proxy generation succeeded
Your proxy is valid until: 2022-10-27 02:23:52

Create testjob.xrsl, a test job expressed in xRSL, showing environment where it will run:

&( executable = "/usr/bin/env" )
( jobname = "arctest" )
( stdout = "stdout" )
( join = "yes" )
( gmlog = "gmlog" )

Then review the ARC CE information and send the job using arcsub:

# Getting info about the selected CE
# Example CE:
$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap://
    -b "Mds-Vo-Name=local,o=grid" \
# Submitting the job, the JOB_ID will be written on the output
$ arcsub --jobdescrfile testjob.xrsl --computing-element
Job submitted with jobid: gsi
# Export JOB_ID to be used for other commands
$ JOB_ID="gsi"

Then you can use arcstat to monitor the job:

# Monitoring the status of the job
$ arcstat "$JOB_ID"

# Use -l parameter with arcstat to get more information on the status of the Job
$ arcstat -l "$JOB_ID"

The jobs will be in state Finished once completed.

You can finally retrieve the output of a finished job using arcget:

# Retrieve output files of the finished job, removing them from the server
$ arcget "$JOB_ID"

Results stored at: Ow7KmRKv71nuvw3Vp3UrRNqABFKDmABFKDmfJKDmABFKDmoeT5zn
Jobs processed: 1, successfully retrieved: 1, successfully cleaned: 1

Instead of manually selecting a site, it’s possible to do some automatic selection from CE registered in a central registry, such as

# Automatic selection on the CE in the registry
$ arcsub --jobdescrfile testjob.xrsl --registry

# Use -l paramter to get more information on the status of the Job
$ arcstat -l "$JOB_ID"


To a CREAM Computing Element

The CREAM (Computing Resource Execution And Management) Service is a simple, lightweight service that implements all the operations at the Computing Element (CE) level.

The first step is to prepare a JDL as testjob.jdl. The CREAM JDL Guide, documents the creation of the JDL:

Type = "Job";
JobType = "Normal";
Executable = "/usr/bin/env";
StdOutput = "output.txt";
StdError = "error.txt";
OutputSandbox = {"output.txt", "error.txt"};

Then you can submit, monitor and retrieve the output of the job.

Those commands are broken on the UI installed from UMD via our Ansible module, but are provided here as a reference, and for users having access to UI maintained by or for their community and providing the required commands.

# Subbmiting a job, job ID would be printed to the output
$ glite-ce-job-submit '' testjob.jdl
# Use a variable with the job ID to be reused later
# Monitoring the job
$ glite-ce-job-status "$JOB_ID"
# Retrieving the output of the job
$ glite-ce-job-output "$JOB_ID"


Via the EGI Workload Manager

The EGI Workload Manager is a service provided to the EGI community to efficiently manage and distribute computing workloads on the EGI infrastructure.

Using the Workload Manger web interface or the DIRAC command-line interface (CLI) is documented in the EGI Workload Manager.


In case you receive errors when submitting jobs to Computing Elements, it may be possible that the service is in Downtime for an intervention/upgrade or there is an issue already reported by the EGI Monitoring System ARGO.

To check the information about downtimes or issues you can browse the ARGO Issues Page and, as shown in the figure below, check if there are active Downtimes for the service you are trying to use (By clicking on the Downtime button) or issues (By clicking on the CRITICAL button).


Asking for help

If you find issues please do not hesitate to contact us.

Last modified December 1, 2022 by Baptiste Grenier : Tutorial on submitting HTC jobs (#535)