Quality of Support (QoS) levels

Quality of Support (QoS) levels


QoS stands for Quality of Support. It describes the level of support provided by Support Units in GGUS system.

It has an impact on the ticket priority colour in GGUS and the warnings are sent to SUs if 75% of the maximum response time of the QoS level are over.

QoS levels

There are three different QoS levels, each defining different response times for given Ticket Priority.

  • Base
  • Medium
  • Advanced

The defaut QoS level, if not declared differently, is Base.

Base Level

Base QoS level defines a response time of 5 working days regardless of the ticket priority.

Medium Level

Ticket PriorityResponse time
less urgent5 working days
urgent5 working days
very urgent1 working day
top priority1 working day

Advanced service

Ticket PriorityResponse time
less urgent5 working days
urgent1 working day
very urgent1 working day
top priority4 working hours

QoS level declaration

The QoS level for all of the SUs are available here

For the several EGI services, the QoS levels are defined in the specific Operational Level Agreements linked in the EGI OLA SLA framework page

Last modified February 2, 2022 by paolini78 : Import some GGUS content (#387)