Dteam Specific Documentation
Rucio-client setup
The setup for the container is the same as that found in the Getting Started section. But is repeated here for ease.
To get the Rucio client that is set up for dteam please use this Rucio Client. This would be done by running the command:
$ docker run \
-v <path/to/the/rucio.cfg>:/opt/rucio/etc/rucio.cfg \
-v <path/to/your/usercert.pem>:/opt/rucio/etc/usercert \
-v <path/to/your/userkey.pem>:/opt/rucio/etc/usercert \
-e RUCIO_CFG_CLIENT_CERT=/opt/rucio/etc/usercert.pem \
-e RUCIO_CFG_CLIENT_KEY=/opt/rucio/etc/userkey.pem \
-e RUCIO_CFG_CA_CERT=/opt/rucio/etc/web/ca-first.pem \
--name=rucio-client \
-it \
-d egifedcloud/rucioclient:1.23.17
Once the container is running you will need to copy some files, to have them owned by the container user, rather then root, and then change the permissions on those files so that they are appropriate for voms-proxy creation. To start with step into the container by running:
$ docker exec -it rucio-client bash
Once inside the container you can then copy and edit file permissions with the following:
$ cp /opt/rucio/etc/usercert /opt/rucio/etc/usercert.pem
$ cp /opt/rucio/etc/userkey /opt/rucio/etc/userkey.pem
$ chmod 600 /opt/rucio/etc/usercert.pem
$ chmod 400 /opt/rucio/etc/userkey.pem
You should now be able to generate a VOMS proxy using the credentials loaded into the container, this is done by running the following command within the container:
$ voms-proxy-init --voms dteam
Rucio configuration setup
Inside your docker container edit the rucio.cfg
file to include your 3
character VO name, and account name. This will then be loaded into the Rucio
logdir = /var/log/rucio
multi_vo = True
loglevel = INFO
rucio_host = https://rucio-server.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:443
auth_host = https://rucio-server.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:443
vo = dtm
account = <your_account>
ca_cert = /opt/rucio/etc/web/ca-first.pem
auth_type = x509_proxy
client_cert = /opt/rucio/etc/usercert.pem
client_key = /opt/rucio/etc/userkey.pem
client_x509_proxy = /tmp/x509up_u1000
request_retries = 5
Confirmation of Client setup
Once this is complete you should now have access to Rucio. This can be confirmed with a ping and a whoami commands to verify one, the connection to the Rucio host and two, that you are authenticating successfully as your user.
$ rucio ping
$ rucio whoami
status : ACTIVE
account : user
account_type : USER
created_at : YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
suspended_at : None
updated_at : YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
deleted_at : None
email : user@email.co.uk
Once these messages have been displayed with the relevent information, as a user you should now have access to the Dteam VO, and can create rules, upload and download files from the various RSEs.
If you have any issues please do contact the Multi-VO admin / dteam VO admins.