GPU flavours

Configuring GPU flavours

Setting up GPU flavours

Support for GPU can be added to flavours using the PCI passthrough feature in OpenStack. This allows to plug any kind of PCI device to the Virtual Machines.

As a summary of the OpenStack documentation, these are the steps needed to add a GPU enabled flavour (be aware this may need tuning to your specific hardware/configuration!):

  1. On computing node, get vendor/product ID of your hardware: lspci | grep NVIDIA to get pci slot of GPU, then virsh nodedev-dumpxml pci_xxxx_xx_xx_x
  2. On computing node, unbind device from host kernel driver. Unbinding is system dependent, and can be done in many ways, e.g.:
    • if the kernel does not uses the devices (no GPU drivers included in kernel, or drivers disable in GRUB), nothing to unbind
    • via pci-stub grubby --args="pci-stub.ids=10de:11fa" --update-kernel DEFAULT (see RedHat manual, section 12.1, step 1-2; where the pci-stub.ids value is vendor_ID: product_id from lspci.
    • via echo command: echo $dev > /sys/bus/pci/devices/$dev/driver/unbind where $dev is the PCI device ID xx:xx.x or xxxx:xx:xx.x from lspci
  3. On computing node, add pci_passthrough_whitelist = {"vendor_id":"xxxx","product_id":"xxxx"} to nova.conf (see nova-compute)
  4. On controller node, add pci_alias = {"vendor_id":"xxxx","product_id":"xxxx", "name":"GPU"} to nova.conf (see nova-api)
  5. On controller node, enable PciPassthroughFilter in the scheduler (see nova-scheduler)
  6. Create new flavours with pci_passthrough:alias (or add key to existing flavour), e.g. openstack flavor set m1.large --property "pci_passthrough:alias"="GPU:2"

GPU description in flavour metadata

Users should be able to easily discover the flavours that provide GPUs (or accelerators in general). The following table describes the agreed metadata for EGI providers to add to those flavours:

Accelerator:TypeType of accelerator (e.g. GPU)Possible values: GPU, MIC, FPGA, TPU, NPU
Accelerator:NumberNumber of accelerators available in the flavour (e.g. 1.0)Non integers allowed for the case of sharing GPU between VMs
Accelerator:VendorName of accelerator Vendor (e.g. NVIDIA)
Accelerator:ModelModel of accelerator (e.g. Tesla V100)Need to make consensus and enforce. A100 is usually marketed without “Tesla” classname. Similarly, RTX A6000 usually marketed without “GeForce”. For clarity, full names should be used: “Tesla A100” and “GeForce RTX A6000”
Accelerator:VersionVersion of the acceleratorSome cards have different versions, e.g. A100 PCIe and NVLink. Openstack does not allow empty value, so we should give 0 if no version is specified
Accelerator:MemoryRAM in GB of the accelerator
Accelerator:VirtualizationTypeType of virtualisation used (e.g. PCI passthrough)Not relevant for accounting, but may be still useful in some cases

There are some extra fields that are defined in the GLUE2.1 schema but not so relevant for GPUs and therefore not considered at the moment. These are listed below for completeness:

Accelerator:ComputeCapabilityCompute capabilitiesDefined by GLUE2.1, e.g. floating point type, NVLink, … may be used informally so far
Accelerator:ClockSpeedClockspeed of acceleratorDefined by GLUE2.1, not so relevant, as ClockSpeed no longer related to performance. May be reserved for other types of accelerators
Accelerator:CoresNumber of cores of the acceleratorNot so useful as there are several types of cores now (CUDA, tensor). May be reserved for other types of accelerators

Adding metadata to flavours has no effects on site operations. End users can see the metadata easily via openstack flavor list --long or openstack flavor show <flavor id> commands without any additional tools, e.g.:

$ fedcloud openstack flavor show gpu1cpu2  --site IISAS-GPUCloud --vo -f json
Site: IISAS-GPUCloud, VO:
  "OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled": false,
  "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral": 0,
  "access_project_ids": null,
  "disk": 40,
  "id": "a8082202-f647-4d1f-9b97-4f5ddb38ae8e",
  "name": "gpu1cpu2",
  "os-flavor-access:is_public": false,
  "properties": "Accelerator:Version='0', Accelerator:Memory='5', Accelerator:Model='Tesla K20m', Accelerator:Number='1.0', Accelerator:Type='GPU', Accelerator:Vendor='NVIDIA', Accelerator:VirtualizationType='PCI passthrough', pci_passthrough:alias='GPU:1'",
  "ram": 8192,
  "rxtx_factor": 1.0,
  "swap": "",
  "vcpus": 2