EGI DataHub

Discover, manage, and replicate data with EGI DataHub

What is it?

EGI DataHub is a high-performance data management solution that offers unified data access across globally distributed environments and multiple types of underlying storage. It allows researchers to share, collaborate and perform computations on the stored data easily.

Users can bring data close to their community or to the compute facilities they use, in order to exploit it efficiently. This is as simple as selecting which (subset of the) data should be available at which supporting provider.

The main features of DataHub are:

  • Discovery of data spaces via a central portal
  • Policy based data access
  • Replication of data across providers for resiliency and availability purposes
  • Integration with EGI Check-in allows access using community credentials, including from other EGI services and components
  • File catalog to track replication of data and manage logical and physical files

EGI DataHub supports multiple access policies:

  • Unauthenticated, open access
  • Access after user registration or
  • Access restricted to members of a Virtual Organization (VO)

Data replication in EGI DataHub may take place either on-­demand or automatically. Replication uses a file catalogue to enable tracking of logical and physical copies of data.


  • Putting up a (scalable) distributed data infrastructure needs specific expertise, resources and knowledge
  • No easy way to discover and transfer data
  • No easy way of making data (publicly) accessible without transferring it with a sharing service
  • No easy way of combining multiple datasets from different data providers
  • Users need to access data locally and from compute resources

Components and concepts

The following concepts (components) will help you understand how EGI DataHub works.


Virtual volume where users will organize their data. A space is supported by one or more Oneproviders that provide the actual storage resources.


Data management component deployed in the data centres, provisioning data and managing transfers. A Oneprovider is typically deployed at a site near the local storage resources, and can access local storage resources over multiple connectors (e.g. CEPH, POSIX). A default one is operated for EGI by CYFRONET.


Central component for federating providers. It takes care of Authentication and Authorization and other management tasks (like space creation). EGI DataHub is a Onezone instance.

EGI DataHub

The central Onezone instance of the EGI Federation. Single Sign On (SSO) with all the connected storage providers (Oneprovider) is guaranteed through EGI Check-in


Client application providing access to the spaces through a Linux FUSE mount point (local POSIX access), as if they were part of the local file system. Oneclient can be used from VMs, containers, desktops, etc.

Highlighted features

Using the EGI DataHub web interface it's possible to manage the space.

Viewing a data space using the EGI DataHub web interface

Using Oneclient it's possible to mount a space locally, and access it over a POSIX interface, using files as they were stored locally. The file's blocks are downloaded on demand.

Viewing a data space in a console locally mounted using Oneclient

In Onedata the file distribution is done on a block basis, blocks will be replicated on the fly, and it's possible to instrument the replication between Oneproviders.

Viewing file distribution over the Oneproviders

Three different formats of metadata can be attached to files: basic (key-value), JSON and RDF. The metadata can be managed using the Web interface and the APIs. It's also possible to create indexes and query them.

Management of metadata using the web interface

It's possible to view the popularity of a file and manage smart caching.

Viewing file popularity for smart caching

Next topics:
DataHub Use-Cases

Use-cases for EGI DataHub

DataHub Clients

Clients for accessing data EGI DataHub

DataHub File Management

File Management in DataHub

DataHub API

The programmatic interface of EGI DataHub

DataHub Links

Links to additional DataHub resources