GOCDB Registration

Registration of service endpoints in GOCDB

Site endpoints must be registered in EGI Configuration Management Database (GOCDB). Cloud services can coexist within an existing (Grid) site, but we are recommending to register a new site for the cloud services (as per PROC09 Resource Centre Registration and Certification procedure - see Joining as a provider section)

Expected Services

These are the expected services for a working site:

  • org.openstack.nova for the Nova endpoint of the site. The endpoint URL must contain the Keystone v3 URL: https://hostname:port/url/v3. Set the Host DN so the cloud-info-provider can be enabled.

  • eu.egi.cloud.accounting for the host sending the records to the accounting repository (executing SSM send). This host needs a valid IGTF-accredited X.509 certificate. Set the Host DN so the SSM can be enabled.

  • org.openstack.horizon for the dashboard endpoint of the site (optional). The endpoint URL field must contain the horizon URL: https://hostname:port/url/.

  • (Optional, if offering object storage) org.openstack.swift for the swift endpoint of the site. The endpoint URL field must contain the Keystone v3 URL: https://hostname:port/url/v3.

Deprecated services

Deprecated services for cloud providers:

  • Site-BDII. This service collects and publishes site's data for the Information System. There is no need to run a BDII for cloud providers. eu.egi.cloud.information.bdii is also deprecated and no longer in use.

  • eu.egi.cloud.vm-metadata.vmcatcher for the VMI replication mechanism.

  • eu.egi.cloud.vm-management.occi for the OCCI endpoint offered by the site. OCCI is no longer in use in FedCloud.

Last modified January 9, 2024 by Enol Fernandez : Fix link