VO Configuration guide

Summary of steps for configuring new VOs in OpenStack

In this page you can find a summary of the needed steps for supporting a new VO in your OpenStack infrastructure.

Local project creation

The usual method of supporting a VO is by creating a local project for it. You should assign quotas to this project as agreed in the OLA defining the support for the given VO.

  1. Create a group where users belonging to the VO will be mapped to:

    group_id=$(openstack group create -f value -c id <new_group>)
  2. Add that group to the desired local project:

    $ openstack role add member --group $group_id --project <your project>
  3. Set the egi.VO property to the name of the VO that you are supporting:

    $ openstack project set --property egi.VO=<name of the VO> <your project>

Keystone Mapping

Expand your mapping.json with the VO membership to the created group (substitute group_id and entitlement as appropriate). The expected mappings for the VOs are listed in vo-mappings.yaml of fedcloud-catchall-operations repository:

    <existing mappings>,
        "local": [
                "user": {
                    "name": "{0}",
                    "email": "{1}"
                "group": {
                    "id": "<group_id>"
        "remote": [
                "type": "HTTP_OIDC_SUB"
                "type": "HTTP_OIDC_EMAIL"
                "type": "HTTP_OIDC_ISS",
                "any_one_of": [
                "type": "OIDC-eduperson_entitlement",
                "regex": true,
                "any_one_of": [

And update the mapping in your Keystone IdP:

$ openstack mapping set --rules mapping.json egi-mapping

You can include as many mappings as needed in the json file. Users will be members of all the matching groups.


Add the project supporting the VO to cASO:

  1. In the projects field of /etc/caso/caso.conf :

    projects = vo_project1, vo_project2, <your_new_vo_project>
  2. and as a new mapping in /etc/caso/voms.json :

      "<your new vo>": {
        "projects": ["<your new vo project>"]

Be sure to include the user running cASO as member of the project if it does not have admin privileges:

openstack role add member --user <your caso user> --project <your new vo project>

Information system / VM Image management

If you are correctly setting the egi.VO property to your projects, the configuration will be automatically retrieved by the catch-all components.