Managing NGIs entities

Managing NGIs entities


An NGI forms a grouping of Sites in EGI Configuration Database. The Configuration Database stores the following information about these groups. The main page listing groups actually shows NGIs/ROCs, and is available from “List of NGIs/ROCs and associated contacts”, linked from the main menu.

Each NGI has its own listing page, accessible by clicking on the “view” link in group listing pages. A group details page shows users with a role on that group, as well as member sites and associated contacts and roles.

Adding NGIs

Adding groups is not possible through the Input System web interface. If you want to start the registration process of a new NGI, please follow the procedure described on:

PROC02: Operations Centre creation

Integration of the new group in the EGI Configuration Database is part of the procedure but has to be done by the Configuration Database admins.

Editing Groups

To edit a group, simply click on the “edit” link at the top of the group’s details page.

Deleting Groups

This operation is not allowed.