
Understanding and manipulating scopes


  • Scope tags are used to group entities such as Sites, Services and ServiceGroups into flexible categories. A single entity can define multiple scope tags, allowing the resource to be associated with different categories without duplication of information. This is essential to maintain the integrity of topology information across different infrastructures and projects.
  • The Configuration Database admins control which scope tags are made available to avoid proliferation of tags (user defined tags are reserved for the extensibility mechanism).
  • As an example, a site’s scope list could aggregate all of the scopes defined by its child services. In doing this, the site scope list becomes a union of its service scopes plus any other site specific tags defined by the site.
  • By defining scope tags, resources can be ‘filtered-by-scope-tag’ when querying for data in the PI using the ‘scope’ and ‘scope_match’ parameters, see GOCDB Programmatic Interface (GOCDB-PI)(link to old EGI Wiki) for details.

Clear Separation of Concerns

It is important to understand that scopes and Projects are distinct:

  • Projects are used to cascade roles and permissions over child objects
  • Scope tags are used to filter resources into flexible categories/groupings
  • Scope tags can be created to mirror the projects. For example, assuming two projects (e.g. and EUDAT), two corresponding tags may be defined.
  • In addition, it is also possible define additional scopes for finer grained resource filtering e.g. ‘SubGroupX’ and ‘EGI_TEST’.
  • The key benefit: A clear separation of concerns between cascading permissions and resource filtering.

EGI Scopes

  • To make a Site, Service or ServiceGroup visible to EGI, the resource’s ‘EGI’ scope tag checkbox must be ticked. EGI scoped resources are exposed to the central operational tools for monitoring and will appear in the central operations portal.
  • Un-ticking the EGI checkbox and selecting the ‘Local’ scope makes the selected object invisible to EGI; it will be hidden from the central operation tools (it will not show in the central dashboard and it will not be monitored centrally). This can be useful if you wish to hide certain parts of your infrastructure from EGI but still have the information stored and accessed from the same Configuration Database instance.
  • A use-case for non-EGI sites/services is to hide those entities from central EGI tools, but to include those sites/services for use by regional versions of the operational tools (such as regional monitoring).
  • Note that exposing a site / service endpoint as EGI does not override the production status or certification status fields. For example if a site isn’t marked as production it won’t be monitored centrally even if it’s marked as visible to EGI.
  • You can submit your request for new scope tags via EGI Helpdesk to the “Configuration and Topology Database (GOCDB)” support unit.

Reserved Scope Tags

  • Some tags may be ‘Reserved’ which means they are protected - they are used to restrict tag usage and prevent non-authorised sites/services from using tags not intended for them.
  • Reserved tags are initially assigned to resources by the Configuration Database admins, and can then be optionally inherited by child resources (tags can be initially assigned to NGIs, Sites, Services and ServiceGroups).
  • When creating a new child resource (e.g. a child Site or child Service), the scopes that are assigned to the parent are automatically inherited and assigned to the child.
  • Reserved tags assigned to a resource are optional and can be de-selected if required.
  • Users can reapply Reserved tags to a resource ONLY if the tag can be inherited from the parent Scoped Entity (parents include NGIs/Sites).
    • For Sites: If a Reserved tag is removed from a Site, then the same tag is also removed from all the child Services - a Service can’t have a reserved tag that is not supported by its parent Site.
    • For NGIs: If a Reserved tag is removed from an NGI, then the same tag is NOT removed from all the child Sites - this is intentionally different from the Site->Service relationship.
  • To request a reserved scope tag, an approval is required from the operators of the relevant resources. Details on who to contact are listed below. Once authorisation is given, please contact the Configuration Database admins with details of the approval (e.g. link to an EGI Helpdesk ticket that approves the tag assignment).

FedCloud Reserved Tag

  • Tag for resources that contribute to the EGI Federated Cloud. To request this tag, please contact the FedCloud operators / EGI Operations.

Elixir Reserved Tag

  • Tag for resources that contribute to the EGI Federated Cloud. To request this tag, please contact the operators of the ‘ELIXIR’ NGI in the EGI Configuration Database.

GreenDIGIT Reserved Tag

  • Tag for resources that contribute to the GreenDIGIT project. To request this tag, please contact EGI Operations.

WLCG Reserved Tags

  • A number of reserved scope tags have been defined for the WLCG:
    • The ‘tierN’ tags should be requested for WLCG sites that are defined in REBUS (a management view of the WLCG infrastructure/sites). To request a ‘tierN’ tag, raise a ticket against the REBUS support unit in GGUS.
    • For the experiment VO tags (alice, atlas, cms, lhcb), raise a ticket with the relevant VO support unit.
    • The wlcg tag is a generic catch-all tag for sites/services with either tierN and VO tags and is used to gain an overall view of the WLCG infrastructure.

SLA Reserved Tag

  • Entities covered by an EGI VO SLA
    • This Tag will only be applied at the request of EGI operations

EOSCCore Tag

  • Tag for resources that contribute to core services of the EOSC. To request this tag, please raise an EGI Helpdesk ticket against the Operations SU.

EGICore Tag

Tag for resources that are part of the EGI Core services. To request this tag, please raise an EGI Helpdesk ticket against the Operations SU.