Security Monitoring

Security Monitoring for EGI Resources Providers and Services

What is it?

EGI is an interconnected federation where a single vulnerable place may have a huge impact on the whole infrastructure. In order to recognise the risks and to address potential vulnerabilities in a timely manner, the EGI Security Monitoring provides an oversight of the infrastructure from the security standpoint.

Also, sites connected to EGI differ significantly in the level of security and detecting weaknesses exposed by the sites allows the EGI security operations to contact the sites before the issue leads to an incident.

Information produced by security monitoring is also important during assessment of new risks and vulnerabilities since it enables to identify the scope and impact of a potential security incident.

Technical description

This service includes the following components.


A Nagios-based service provided to monitor a range of assets like CRLs, file system permissions, vulnerable file permissions etc.

Ad-hoc probes are deployed to support incident management, to assess the vulnerability of the infrastructure with regards to specific security issues and for proactive security management.

The results produced are available to the EGI Security dashboard of the Operations Portal for visualisation.


Pakiti is the monitoring and notification service which is responsible for checking the patching status of systems.

The results produced are available to the EGI Security dashboard of the Operations Portal for visualisation.

Incident reporting tool

Ticketing system for tracking of incident.

Tools for Security Service Challenge support

Security challenges are a mechanism to check the compliance of sites/NGIs/EGI with security requirements. Runs of Security Service Challenges need a set of tools that are used during various stages of the runs.

Next topics:

Monitoring patch status