Frequently Asked Questions

Why joining the EGI Cloud?

Do I lose control on who can access my resources if I join federated cloud?

No. EGI uses the concept of Virtual Organisation (VO) to group users. The resource provider has complete control on which VOs he wants to allow on its resources and which quotas or restrictions to assign to each VO. In the case of OpenStack, each VO is mapped to a regular OpenStack project that can be managed as any other and are isolated to other projects you may have configured in your deployment. Although not recommended, you can even restrict the automatic access of users within a VO and manually enable individual members.

How many components do I have to install?

Depending on your cloud management framework and the kind of integration this will vary.

In general, the federation requires your cloud management framework to be configured to support Federated AAI with EGI Check-in. This may require changes in your current setup.

Other components are designed to access your cloud management framework public APIs and do not require modification of your deployment. For OpenStack, these components can be run on a single VM that encapsulates them for convenience.

Which components of my cloud will interact with the federated cloud components?

For OpenStack they are:

  • Keystone
  • Nova
  • Glance
  • Swift (optional)

Users will also interact with:

  • Neutron
  • Cinder

to perform their regular activities.

How will my daily operational activities change?

For the most part daily operations will not change.

A resource centre part of the EGI Federation, and supporting international communities, needs to provide support through the EGI channels. This means following up GGUS tickets. This includes requests from user communities and tickets triggered by failures detected by the monitoring infrastructure.

A resource centre needs to maintain the services federated in EGI properly configured with the EGI AAI.

The resource centre will have to comply with the operational and security requirements. All the EGI policies aim at implementing service provisioning best practices and common requirements. EGI operations may conduct campaigns targeted to mitigate security vulnerabilities and to update unsupported operating system and software. These activities are part of the regular activities of a resource centre anyways (also for the non-federated ones). EGI and the Operations Centres coordinate these actions in order to have them implemented in a timely manner.

In summary, most of the site activities that are coordinated by EGI and the NGIs are already part of the work plan of a well-maintained resource centre, the additional task for a site manager is to acknowledge to EGI that the task has been performed.

Last modified November 20, 2020 by Enol Fernández : Fix linting issues (#145)