Operations Start Guide
The Operations Start Guide will help you start with EGI Operations duties. It covers the responsibilities of the various parties involved in the running of the EGI infrastructure and guide how to join operations. As a newcomer, you need to understand the structure of the infrastructure and roles of operators at different levels. Reading the whole document will give you a complete overall picture of daily operations within EGI.
Resource Centres and Resource Infrastructures
Resources are geographically distributed and are contributed by Resource Centres. A Resource Centre is the smallest resource administration domain within EGI. It can be either localized or geographically distributed. A Resource Centre is also known as a site. It provides a minimum set of local or remote IT Services, such as High Throughput Compute (HTC), Cloud Compute, Storage and Data Transfer, compliant to well-defined IT Capabilities necessary to make resources accessible to authorised users. Users can access the services using common interfaces.
The EGI Federation is a Resource Infrastructure federating Resource Centres to constitute a homogeneous operational domain, and the Resource Infrastructure Provider is the legal organisation that is responsible of establishing, managing and of operating directly or indirectly the operational services to an agreed level of quality needed by the Resource Centres and the user community. It holds the responsibility of integrating them in EGI to enable uniform resource access and sharing for the benefit of their consuming end users. Examples of a Resource infrastructure Provider are the European Intergovernmental Research Organisations (EIRO) and the NGIs.
In Europe, Resource Centres are required to be affiliated to the respective NGIs, which (a) have a mandate to represent their national users community in all matters falling within the scope of the EGI Infrastructure, and (b) are the only organization having the mandate described in (a) for its country and thus provide a single contact point at the national level.
Operations Centres
A Resource Infrastructure Provider is responsible for delivering, to different groups of customers, a number of services, either technical or humans : services supporting the activities of the given Resource Infrastructure Provider and facilitating and making secure the access to the provided resources and services.
In order to contribute resources to EGI, a Resource Infrastructure Provider must be associated to an Operations Centre which will deliver the services on behalf of them.
A single Operations Centre can be federated and operate services for multiple Resource Infrastructure Providers. Federation of operations can be a cost-effective approach for Resource Infrastructure Providers wishing to share their effort and services, or in order to operate the infrastructures in an early stage of maturity.
The Operations Centre provides services in collaboration with the respective Resource Centres via the Resource Centre Operations Manager, and globally with EGI Foundation and other Operations Centres.
- Locally, Operations Centres are responsible for supporting the Resource Centres, for monitoring their Quality of Service (QoS), for collecting requirements and representing them in the EGI operations boards.
- Globally they are in charge of contributing to the evolution of the EGI Infrastructure.
The following sections covers the roles that are commonly involved in the operations of the EGI Infrastructure. The correspondent roles defined in Configuration Database (GOCDB) give specific rights in the Configuration Database itself and in other EGI services. There are roles whose scope is limited to the operation of a Resource Centre. A number of other roles act on a higher level, involving the operations activities related either to the NGI (Regional level) or to the EGI infrastructure as a whole (global level). Other terms and definitions can be found in the EGI Glossary.
Resource Centre level
Resource Centre Administrator
An individual responsible for installing, operating, maintaining and supporting one or more Resources or IT Services in a Resource Centre. In the scope of Operations, Resource Centres (RC) administrators primarily receive and react on incidents at their Resource Centre and on service requests notified through tickets created on the EGI Helpdesk service. They should respond to the tickets in a suitable time frame as defined in the Resource Centre Operational Level Agreement (OLA) and be aware of the alarms at their site, eg. through the Operations Dashboard. Sites MUST only operate supported middleware versions. This implies upgrading it regularly. Emergency releases are treated in a special way. Resource Centre Administrators MUST react to security issues that are at a global level, but affect their site. See SEC03 EGI-CSIRT Critical Vulnerability Handling.
Resource Centre Operations Manager
An individual who leads the Resource Centre operations, who is the official technical contact person in the connected organisation, and who is locally supported by a team of Resource Centre Administrators. The Resource Centre Operations Manager is responsible for the site at the political and legal levels and for signing the Operational Level Agreement) between the Resource Centre and its hosting NGI. The Resource Centre Operations Manager is also responsible for enforcing the EGI policies and procedures by the Resource Centre and for assigning and approving the other site roles in the Configuration Database. Further, they should ensure that administrators are subscribed to the relevant mailing lists.
Resource Centre Security Officer
The person responsible for keeping the site compliant with the EGI security policies. They are the primary contact for the NGI Security officer and EGI Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). The Site Security Officer deals with security incidents and shall respond to enquiries in a timely fashion as defined in the collection of security procedures and policies.
Regional level
Regional Operator on Duty (ROD)
A team responsible for solving problems and incidents in the infrastructure according to agreed procedures. ROD teams monitor the Resource Centres in their region, react to incidents identified by the monitoring tools, and oversee incidents and related problems through to their resolution. They ensure that incidents are properly recorded and that the solutions progress according to specified time lines. They also provide support to Resource Centres and Virtual Organisations (VOs) and provide support to oversight bodies in cases of unresponsive Resource Centres. They ensure that all the necessary information is available to all parties. The team is provided by each NGI and requires procedural knowledge on the process (rather than technical skills) for their work. New ROD team members are required to read the ROD Welcome page and be familiar with ROD wiki page.
NGI Security officer
The NGI Security Officer is member of the EGI-CSIRT.
The NGI Security Officer coordinates the security activities within its NGI and serves as the primary contact for all security related requests, in particular from EGI-CSIRT’s IRTF concerning issues with the sites within the NGI.
Further, the NGI Security Officer is responsible for overseeing the security related aspects of the operations of the NGI and coordinates the security activities within its NGI.
NGIs and Sites MUST respond in a timely manner to the security requests and alerts coming from the EGI-CSIRT’s IRTF.
The NGI Security Officer name and contact address needs to be registered in the Configuration Database (GOCDB) and the information maintained by the NGI.
NGI Operations manager
The NGI Operations manager is the contact point for all operational matters and represents the NGI within the Operations Management Board (OMB).
They are mainly responsible for:
- keeping up to date the NGI entry in the Configuration Database and managing the status of all sites under their NGI, and ensuring their information is also kept current
- addressing problems with Site availability or reliability. The reports are issued on a monthly basis and the NGI operations managers have 10 days to respond to identified problems
- attending regular Operations Management Board meetings
All NGI operations management responsibilities are listed in the Resource Infrastructure Provider OLA document.
Global level
Chief Operations Officer
The Chief Operations Officer leads EGI Operations, and is responsible for coordinating the operations of the infrastructure across the project.
EGI-CSIRT is the official security coordination team and contact point at project level.
The Incident Response Team for the Federation (IRTF) is a subgroup of EGI-CSIRT which acts as the primary contact for all security related requests concerning the Federation and the projects the EGI Foundation is involved in.
EGI-CSIRTs IRTF provides the Security Officer on Duty role on a weekly rota basis. Details are in the EGI-CSIRT Terms of References.
EGI Security Officer
The EGI Security Officer, having the EGI CSIRT Officer role in the Configuration Database, is leading and coordinating EGI-CSIRT.
The role of the EGI Security Officer is provided by a member of EGI-CSIRT’s IRTF on a weekly rota basis.
EGI Foundation SDIS team
The EGI Foundation Service Delivery and Information Security (SDIS) team, formerly known as the EGI Operations team, is responsible of coordinating and supporting the operational activities of all the EGI Infrastructure.
A Virtual Organisation (VO) is a group of users and, optionally, resources, often not bound to a single institution or national borders, who, by reason of their common membership and in sharing a common goal, are given authority to use a set of resources. Each VO member signs the VO Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP) (during registration) which is the policy describing the goals of the VO thereby defining the expected and acceptable use of the resources by the users of the VO. User documentation can be found in the users section.
VO manager
An individual responsible for the management of the membership registry of the VO ensuring its accuracy and integrity.
Joining operations
In order to join any of the organisational groups in your NGI, you will need to go through the following steps in order:
In general the authentication in EGI infrastructure works either with X509 personal certificates or through federated identities using Check-in. For some services (HTC and Storage) the access is granted only by using a X509 personal certificate due to legacy reasons: the process of moving the authentication and authorisation mechanism to federated identities has started but it will takes time before having everything compliant with federated identities.
Obtaining a X509 personal certificate
If you do not already have a X509 personal certificate the EUGridPMA worlmap provides a map of all certification authorities according to the country (or NGI). Select your country on the map to find out who is your local CA. Follow the procedure of your local CA to request a certificate. When you have received your certificate, install it into your web browser.
If case of setting up a new Resource Centre please request Host certificates.
EUGridPMA provides a web page allowing to test your certificate. Please use this resource and contact your CA if your certificate does not work.
Create a federated identity: registration in EGI Check-in
As soon as you try to access an EGI service with your federated identity, you will be requested to register an account in EGI Check-in if not existing yet. The Check-in sign up guide explains how to sign up for an EGI account. If you already own an account, you will be simply asked to login through EGI Check-in.
Joining dteam VO
It is recommended to join the dteam VO at
the dteam Registration page. You
should request group membership for /dteam
and /dteam/YOUR_NGI
. The dteam
group manager will then be notified and review your application. The membership
to dteam VO is possible only by using a X09 personal certificate and it is
useful to test the RCs and to debug related issues.
Requesting GOCDB access
- Read Input System User Documentation first.
- Go to the Configuration Database and follow the instruction.
All members should notify their NGI operations manager about their role requests, to be sure they are considered on time.
Registering into GGUS
GGUS can be accessed with your federated identity. To register as a supporter in GGUS please submit a GGUS ticket to TPM to request the “Supporter” role in GGUS.
If your NGI also have a local helpdesk interfaced with GGUS, please ensure that you are properly registered also there: your NGI managers will take care of that.
Subscribing to mailing lists
NGIs and Sites have local mailing lists for ROD team members and Site Administrators respectively. Please ensure that you subscribe to them. Depending on your role ask your NGI operations manager or Site operations manager to have you included on the necessary mailing lists if there is no automatic subscription process.
NGI operations manager should contact operations@egi.eu
and state that wish to
be subscribed to noc-managers mailing list noc-managers@mailman.egi.eu
Procedures and policies are accessible on the EGI Policies and Procedures space. Additional documentation relevant to EGI operations is available at EGI Documentation.
A list of services relevant to EGI operations can be found at the section about internal services.