VO Membership Information
According to AARC-G002 the information about the groups a user is a member of is commonly used by Service Providers in order to authorise user access to protected resources.The entity responsible for disseminating this information is the EGI Check-in AAI proxy and the format used is that of a URN namespace, called eduPersonEntitlement, that is uniformly interpreted across infrastructures.
The general form of the eduPersonEntitlement string is:
As a result, an eduPersonEntitlement string informing the Service Provider that the user has the role Associate in the vo.example.eu VO (modelled as a COU) is:
Entitlement Construction
For the case of the CO Person with a profile/canvas, like the one provided above, we expect to get entitlements for all the entries listed under the tab Role Attributes. Additionally, we will get entitlements for all the General Purpose(GP) Groups enlisted under the tab Groups. These GP Groups have no prefix, neither CO: nor CO:COU, and no postfix, neither active nor all.
For each entry in the table Role Attributes, that is in status Active or Grace Period, we create one eduPersonEntitlement for each different Role and for the Affiliation. For example, the CO Person from above is affiliated as Member to the VO vo.example.eu and has been assigned the role of an Associate. This will generate two entitlements as:
VO Groups (sub COUs)
There are occasions where we need a VO to be organized in subgroups. For example vo.example.eu contains the sub-COU vo.example-sub.eu.
The CO Person is affiliated as member and with the Role of Support in the VO sub-group vo.example-sub.eu:
In such occasions the eduPersonEntitlement will have the following structure: