Cloud Container Compute

Run containers on the EGI Cloud

The EGI Cloud Container Compute service allows you to run container-based applications on the providers of the EGI Federated Cloud. There are two main ways of executing containers:

  1. Using docker (or a similar container runtime) on a VM, so you can just interact directly with the container runtime to run your applications. This fits simpler applications that can easily fit on one node and are composed by a small number of containers.

  2. Using a container orchestration platform, e.g. kubernetes on a set of VMs to manage the applications in an automated way for you. This is usually suited for more complex applications that spawn several nodes and are composed of several containers that need to cooperate to deliver the expected functionality.

Follow the guides below to learn more about them.

The EGI Cloud Container Compute service has been presented in the EGI Webinars.

  • January 2024: Introduction to the new generation EGI container execution platform. See slides and recording.

  • April 2021: Managing Singularity, Docker and udocker containers, Kubernetes clusters in the EGI Cloud. See slides and recording.

Next topics:
Docker VM

Run containers on the EGI Cloud on a single VM with Docker


Run containers on the EGI Cloud with Kubernetes

Last modified April 23, 2024 by Sebastian Luna-Valero : Add latest EGI Webinars (#652)